Monday, November 30, 2009

Go Veggies!

I am a vegetarian,go veggies!!!,Yes its true folks,I eat no meat,I am the only one in my family and no,not even bacon,The truth is,I just did'nt eat meat when I was a baby,and animals are my friends,we are all the children of the universe ,and you dont eat your friends,do you?( if you awnsered "yes " to this question......well..... no offence but I would'nt want to be your friend)
Okay folks, breathe deeply,make sure your sitting down, and get ready for the most exciting news you will EVER hear,sit down,get ready...................MY TEACHER IS GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):),the top names I have made up are Relevancy,Ginger, Peprika,Pippy,Fluffy,and Lena,oh, and dont forget Mango!